When the term “cyborg” comes to mind, you might envision a fusion of human and machine – a concept often portrayed in science fiction movies that beautifully reflect aspects of the human experience. Hollywood has given us some amazing cyborg characters, no doubt. But in reality, even something as simple as a pair of glasses can place you in the …
Isn’t it Time You Thought About a Hearing Aid Upgrade?
Time For a Hearing Aid Upgrade? While it’s true that any hearing aid is better than none, settling for older models may come at a price. The world of hearing aid technology has made incredible strides over the past decade! In fact, many features present in modern hearing aids were merely concepts ten years ago, with the shift towards digital …
A History of Hearing Aids
When delving into history, three distinct camps emerge: those captivated by history’s tales, those who find it dreadfully tedious, and those who entertain the notion that history may be interwoven with extraterrestrial beings. Yet, fear not, for it’s not aliens who have shaped the history of hearing aids. Nevertheless, the journey is likely far more intriguing than you’d anticipate. After …
6 Tricks to Make Hearing Aid Batteries Last Longer
The cost-effectiveness of hearing aids hinges significantly on a critical component: the batteries. This element presents one of the foremost financial challenges for consumers when acquiring hearing aids, given the cumulative expenses associated with battery replacement. It is worth noting that battery depletion often occurs at inopportune moments, compounding the issue. This concern extends even to rechargeable models, underscoring the …