Hearing loss is a prevalent condition that can be easily managed through the use of hearing aids and assistive listening devices. However, it’s disheartening that hearing loss frequently goes unnoticed and unattended. For those living with hearing loss, this can trigger emotions of isolation and melancholy. These feelings of despondency and detachment can be further exacerbated by the breakdown of …
Diplacusis: When your hearing is in stereo
Imagine a world millions of years ago, where the landscape was dramatically different. Long-necked Diplacusis roamed this terrain punctuated by volcanoes. These majestic creatures, distinguished by their elongated necks and tails, towered over the landscape, rendering other predators insignificant. However, let’s step back into modern times. Diplodocus, the iconic long-necked dinosaur from the Jurassic Period, might be the image that …
Earwax Accumulation, What Should You Know?
You’ve probably heard the phrase “Don’t neglect cleaning your ears,” and it might trigger memories of parental advice from your childhood. It’s a piece of wisdom that’s been passed down through generations, a reminder of simpler times. But beyond the nostalgia, it’s actually solid advice. Your hearing can be significantly impacted by excessive earwax buildup. Keeping your ears clean is …
Why Having Your Ears Tested Routinely Can Enhance Your Mood
Routine Hearing Tests and Your Mood Hearing loss is a prevalent condition that can be easily managed through the use of hearing aids and assistive listening devices. However, it’s disheartening that hearing loss frequently goes unnoticed and unattended. For those living with hearing loss, this can trigger emotions of isolation and melancholy. These feelings of despondency and detachment can be …
How Audiobooks Can be an Important Part of Auditory Training
Remember the era of “books-on-tape”? That’s a throwback to times well before CDs and digital streaming took center stage. Today, we embrace a much more fitting term: audiobooks. Audiobooks offer an immersive experience where a narrator brings the book to life through spoken words. It’s akin to having your own personal storyteller—an engaging way to expand your knowledge, lose yourself …
I’m Going Crazy With This Itchy Ear
Ever experienced that maddening itch that’s just out of reach? You know the one—it’s like that elusive item on your bucket list or the spot on your back that’s impossible to scratch. Picture this: a persistent itch right in your ear canal that you can’t alleviate. It’s a truly frustrating experience, akin to the unreachable spot on your back that …
Forget Something Significant? Memory Loss is Linked to This
Are you finding it harder to remember things? It’s not your imagination—memory loss can sneak up on you and progress rather swiftly once it becomes noticeable. The more aware you become of it, the more debilitating it can be. And did you know that memory loss and hearing loss are connected? Thinking it’s just a natural part of aging is …
Sensorineural Hearing Loss Post Covid-19
As we age, hearing loss can become a common occurrence, especially if we’re exposed to loud noises frequently. Working in a noisy environment without ear protection, like a factory floor, can also contribute to future hearing loss. These are well-known causes. However, there’s a new contender in the mix that you might have already guessed: Covid-19. Yes, the same virus …
Will I Get My Hearing Back After an Ear Infection?
Otitis media is the medical nomenclature for what is commonly referred to as an ear infection. Although predominantly observed in infants and young children, these infections can also affect adults, particularly during or after cold or sinus infections. Interestingly, even dental issues can give rise to ear infections. Among the primary symptoms of middle ear infections lies hearing loss. However, …